Ben Fisher provided many of the photographs used on this website himself, however, there were many more like minded photographers who contributed their own photographs as well. They helped make this website the thorough record it is of the reconstruction of the Welsh Highland Railway.
Work is going on in the background to ensure that record is also preserved in paper format. This will be taking the form of a 'tribute' book to Ben.
We would therefore like to ensure that the photographs that have been contributed to the public domain of this website can also be used in the planned book. We would therefore be very grateful for you to let us know if you have any objection to your photographs being used in this book format. Full credit will obviously be given to the photographs used in the printed version in the manner that is normal for such.
If you have no objection we'd still really like you to identify yourself, to be sure your contribution is recognised in the printed version.. In either case please use the email address at the bottom of this page.
Laurence Armstrong & David Tidy
Responses to this address
14th November 2012