Implementation of the Project

(Text © Festiniog Railway Company)

Cymraeg - cliciwch yma

The Welsh Highland Railway is being developed by The Festiniog Railway Company which will establish a separate operating structure for the railway. The new railway will retain close links with the existing Ffestiniog organisation so that benefits including sharing its experience and resources can be obtained. The value of this arrangement pivots around the Ffestiniog Railway's long experience of reviving a railway, including new construction, into a viable business with an annual turnover exceeding £1 million. The Ffestiniog will own the trackbed between Dinas and Porthmadog while the section from Caernarfon to Dinas will be held on a long lease from the local authority.

The Company gratefully acknowledges the support it has already received from representatives of the local community and from many individuals. Gwynedd Structure Plan policies favour the development of the railway and support has been welcomed from County, District and Community Councillors. Promotion of the railway project is being assisted by many, in particular by the Caernarfon Chamber of Trade.

The total cost of establishing the Welsh Highland is estimated at around £25 million. Donations and other voluntary inputs have given the project substantial momentum and will help to ensure the completion of the first stage from Caernarfon to Dinas. Receipt of a grant of £4.3 million from the Millennium Fund will assist funding for the initial section including extension to Rhyd Ddu. Further initiatives such as share issues and grants from the European Union and other sources will help to complete the funding package. Private sector funding contributions are expected to be attracted as a result of the substantial seed capital from public sector sources and the high profile of the project.

The project is supported by the Welsh Highland Railway Society which produces an illustrated quarterly journal, arranges local and regional activities and is the focus for volunteer energies.

Further information on the development of this exciting project and on any issues connected with the Transport and Works Act order application can be obtained from the Project Director. The Chairman of the Company would also welcome enquiries and expressions of interest from companies or individuals who would like to be involved in the project. Please write to:

The Festiniog Railway Company, Welsh Highland Railway Project, Harbour Station, Porthmadog, Gwynedd LL49 9NF

Plans and maps of the proposals are on display at the above address during normal office hours (telephone [0]1766 512340).

Cyflawni'r Cynllun

Mae Rheilffordd Eryri'n cael ei datblygu gan Gwmni Rheilffordd Ffestiniog fydd yn llunio strwythur gweithredu ar wahân ar gyfer y rheilffordd. Fe fydd y rheilffordd newydd yn cadw cyswllt agos â chyfundrefn bresennol Cwmni Ffestiniog oherwydd y budd a all ddeillio o rannu'i brofiad a'i adnoddau. Gwerth y trefniant hwn yw profiad hir Rheilffordd Ffestiniog o adfer rheilffordd, a'i throi, gan gynnwys gwaith adeiladu newydd, yn fusnes llwyddiannus gyda throsiant blynyddol sy dros £1 miliwn. Cwmni Rheilffordd Ffestiniog fydd yn berchen ar wely'r cledrau rhwng Dinas a Phorthmadog a rhoddir les hir iddo gan yr awdurdod lleol ar y rhan rhwng Caernarfon a Dinas.

Mae'r Cwmni'n cydnabod yn ddiolchgar y gefnogaeth y mae wedi'i derbyn yn barod oddi wrth gynrychiolwyr y gymuned leol ac oddi wrth amryw unigolion. Mae polisiau Cynllun Strwythuro Gwynedd yn bleidiol i ddatblygu'r rheilffordd ac fe groesawyd cefnogaeth oddi wrth Gynghorwyr y Sir a'r Ardaloedd a'r Cymunedau. Rhoddir cymorth i hyrwyddo project y rheilffordd gan amryw, ac yn arbennig gan Siambr Fasnach Caernarfon.

Amcangyfrifir y bydd cyfanswm cost sefydlu Rheilffordd Eryri tua £25 miliwn. Mae rhoddion a chyfraniadau gwirfoddol eraill wedi rhoi hwb sylweddol ymlaen i'r project a bydd yn gymorth i sicrhau y gorffennir y cam cyntaf o Gaernarfon i Dinas.

Bydd derbyn grant o £4.3 miliwn o Gronfa'r Mileniwm yn helpu i ariannu'r rhan gyntaf gan gynnwys yr estyniad hyd at Ryd Ddu. Fe fydd cychwyniadau eraill fel dyroddi cyfranddaliadau a grantiau gan yr Undeb Ewropeaidd ac o ffynonellau eraill yn helpu i orffen y pecyn ariannu. Disgwylir y caiff cyfraniadau o'r sector preifat eu denu o ganlyniad i'r cyfalaf cychwynnol sylweddol o ffynonellau'r sector cyhoeddus a phroffil uchel y project.

Cefnogir y project hwn gan Gymdeithas Rheilffordd Eryri sy'n cynhyrchu cylchgrawn chwarterol darluniadol ac yn trefnu gweithgareddau lleol a rhanbarthol a hi yw'r gyrchfan ar gyfer ynni gwirfoddolwyr.

Gellir cael rhagor o wybodaeth ar ddatblygiad y project cyffrous hwn ac ar unrhyw fater sy'n ymwneud â Deddf Cludiant a Gweithfeydd oddi wrth Gyfarwyddwr y Project. Fe fyddai Cadeirydd y Cwmni hefyd yn croesawu ymholiadau a mynegiadau o ddiddordeb gan gwmniau neu unigolion a hoffai gymryd rhan yn y project. A wnewch chi ysgrifennu os gwelwch yn dda at:

Cwmni Rheilffordd Ffestiniog, Project Rheilffordd Eryri, Gorsaf yr Harbwr, Porthmadog, Gwynedd LL49 9NF

Mae cynlluniau a mapiau o'r cynigion i'w gweld yn y cyfeiriad uchod yn ystod yr oriau swyddfa arferol (teleffon [0]1766 512340).

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