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Pont Croesor
- Porthmadog Harbour
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This section was built under Phase 4 of the railway's rebuilding and was the last of that phase of the reconstruction. The section carried its first passengers as part of the Supporters Charter trains and the Platelayers Special for those helping with the construction over the weekend of 30th and 31st October in 2010. The construction details for the section can be found using the link below:
Phase 4 - Rhyd Ddu to Porthmadog - 2005 to 2010
16th November 2010
The first of the work to be reported on this page is that of improvements to the foot crossing alongside Llyn Bach. This was being remodeled by the Tuesday Gang on 16th November 2010.
29th November 2010
Work is now well advanced on modifying the points and signalling at Harbour station to provide for WHR operations next year. The pictures by Andrew Thomas show the point rodding and signalling work, including the new blockshelf over the frame. The new fencing on the footpath side of the WHR is also shown. Photos by Andrew Thomas.
30th November 2010
The Tuesday Gang were at work today on the final foot crossing. Tony Baker writes:
Today we started our last
level crossing. LC 58:36. This is on the currently closed footpath from
Pen y Mount to Porthmadog, cut by the bypass work. The first job is to
install the crossing timbers. These are cut to size on site and have to
fit round the sleepers and rail fixings. We completed the inner timbers
and started the outer timbers. About 2 hours work remains to finish
this stage. Then the CCT grids will be installed and finally the
signage. Our understanding is that the construction company
hand this final length over on the 1st Dec 2010
Pictures attached show the cutting and shaping and the state we left
it in for now:
1st December 2010
More pictures of the new installations at Harbour station, courtesy of Phil Brown. The pictures show the new blockshelf, point mechanism, and the signalling relating to the Britannia bridge crossing, including the stop boards and controls for the crossing. The actual key to operate the switches forms part of the token. Commissioning is planned to be completed by the end of the second week in December after which testing and training will commence. The plungers on the blockshelf will operate backlocks on the frame and from left to right are planned to be:13th December 2010
Day and night time tests were carried out yesterday for an independent crossing audit led by Arup, with representatives of North Wales Trunk Road Agency, Gwynedd Police andThe video by David Meggers shows the test run in daylight:
14th December 2010
The Tuesday Gang continued with work on the last level crossing LC 58.36, the currently closed footpath at Pen y Mount. Tony Baker writes:10th January 2011
Work continues all the time on the Porthmadog by-pass and the following photographs from Alasdair Stewart show the progress on the abutments for the bridge over the WHR ay Pen y Mount.
26th January 2011
Concrete has now been poured for the eastern abutment of the bypass bridge. The bridge will be known within the railway as Pont Bodawen:
9th February 2011
Today the Porthmadog By-Pass contractors were removing the sheet piling alongside the 'new' bridge piers - the pictures below show this in progress.15th February 2011
A detachment of the Tuesday Gang transported and erected the temporary crossing-keeper's hut at Cae Pawb. The transport was by courtesy of 'Moelwyn' and a 'B' wagon.15th March 2011
With the abutments now completed the installation of the bridge deck commenced on the 15th March 2011. The pictures below from Alasdair Stewart shows the work in progress. It was intended to place all the beams onto the East abutment by the end of the following day, the 16th March. After that the crane will move round to the west side to commence the installation of the beams there. That work will go into Friday after which work will start on splicing them together. Smoke deflector plates will be craned in from the top rather than working on plant sitting on the ground underneath.
24th March 2011
Work on assembling the deck supporting beams continued during the week. By the Thursday of the following week they were having their bracing pieces attached. This is highlighted in the middle of the three photographs from Alasdair Stewart below.
10th May 2011
With the rest of the gang working at Coed Helen, two members of the Tuesday Gang were deployed to rework the 'Council Crossing' at Llyn Bach in Porthmadog. The centre timbers were fitted with more substantial coach screws and were then planed, in order to reduce the height to that of rail level.
18th/19th October 2011
New walking route constructed
for FfR/WHRstaff at Cae Pawb to access the control cabinet
On the Tuesday a small party
of the Tuesday Gang went down to Cae Pawb with the materials and
prepared the site for the main task on the Wednesday. The task was made
possible by the cooperation of the Welsh Highland
Heritage Railway who kindly allowed us to approach from Gelerts
Farm yard . Access through from the WHHR to the
WHR was made by removing a fence panel and
building a ramp up which to barrow the slate fines to the site.
The new footpath across the Network rail lines at Cae Pawb
was constructed on the Wednesday by the WHR Tuesday Gang, two
D of E volunteers and two Rail Track
staff, together with the help of Ian
Hartill who managed the project. One-day passes were required for all
the construction staff . The
section on the standard gauge was built by the NR staff out of a
plastic-like material which was slip proof. The WHR
sections on the sides leading to the WHR
gates consisted of wooden frames built on site and filled with
fine sand wacker-plated after laying.
Report and pictures by Tony Baker and David Firth.
20th October 2011
Work was started at Harbour Station to widen the Cob to accommodate the proposed WHR platform. A digger was in action today preparing the ground. See Harbour station for further information about works to widen the Cob and remodel the station
15th November 2011