The WHR Project -
Volunteer Projects
The latest news from Team Wylfa is that as of mid May 2011, we now have
'B' Team on Thursdays under Martin Kressman (ex Eng Manager, Snowdon
Mtn Rlwy). Some of the old team who decided to do daywork with the
Tuesday Gang some time back and thus were not able to continue with
Tuesday evenings as well, have returned to the fold on Thursdays and to
assist the 'A' Team's endeavours on Tuesdays. Apart from the second and
third week in May, due to there being a 'pink' timetable day
on Wednesdays, the
set rotations between Dinas and Boston Lodge normally means that it's
same set in Dinas on Tuesday AND Thursday evening, rotating with
other set the following week. The A and B Teams will check and oil half
the set each thus easing the workload immensely. The A Team will do say
the top end one week and bottom end of the same set two weeks later
with the B Team doing the opposite so we all get to see any long term
wear trends to report on. With only half a set to do in an evening,
this should release time to work on NG15 №134 as well so speeding up it's
eventual return to service.
It's indeed fortuitous that the B Team has just started since the A
Team's leader is going on his holidays shortly. The other A Team
members have agreed to join the B Team for those weeks he will be away
which means that, with the extra hands, the whole set will get checked
and oiled on the Thursdays of the weeks he will be away without
excessive hours having to be worked. Thus the wheels WILL be kept
The peak summer service starts next Tuesday, 19th July, and we have a problem...
of the Team Wylfa 'B' Team members have had changed job commitments and
to all intents are not now available on Thursday evenings. This leaves
Martin K with no help. This means that the A Team will have to check
and oil a complete set on a Tuesday. BUT... The set will not be getting
back to the carriage shed until 20:15 at the earliest from now on until
September. We in the A Team have paid day jobs to go to so we cannot
work beyond 10pm or our bosses might have something to say about us
falling asleep on the job. We would NOT be able to complete the oiling
by 10pm. With an A and B Team, we were to have done half the set each
which would mean the sets WOULD have been checked and oiled each week -
half a set taking about 1 - 1½ hours to complete.
are there any local volunteers who could assist Martin on Thursday
evenings and thus also help the A Team AND the railway by keeping the
wheels rolling. Otherwise the railway is going to have to bring in paid
staff on overtime. A waste of a resource that could usefully employed
keeping the locos in order...
not an onerous or difficult task and we have nice new lying mats
(provided courtesy of WHRS) so it's now quite comfy, and cleaner, lying
on the ballast. If you can help your railway, please get in touch with
me asap. My contact details are here on the contacts page and on Barrie
Hughes' and the 134 restoration websites.
See the Volunteer
Projects page – Team Wylfa
( for contact
details for how to join in with Team Wylfa.
to Get Involved, or
the WHR Project homepage
Website authored by Ben Fisher; this page last
updated 14th July, 2011 by David Tidy