
K1 is an 0-4-0+0-4-0 articulated Garratt, one of a pair built in 1909 by Beyer Peacock for the North-East Dundas Tramway, Tasmania. This unique and very special locomotive holds a special place in the hearts of WHR supporters. This area of the site, spread over several pages, introduces K1's history and revival.

K1: Introduction
Help to keep K1 running - Appeal.

What's a Garratt...? and what's a Beyer-Garratt...?

The Garratt is a type of articulated steam locomotive. This means that unlike a conventional locomotive, where the whole machine is carried on a single set of frames, a Garratt has three separate frames. The power units, front and rear, each have running gear much like a smaller conventional locomotive; the boiler frame is pivoted between the power units, and carries the boiler and cab. Water tanks are carried on both power units, with the rear one also carrying the fuel supply. The design allows for a much larger boiler than can be carried on a conventional locomotive of the same gauge, and the articulation means the engine can traverse relatively tight curves. The design found particular favour in Africa, where engines such as the East African Railways 59th Class (metre gauge) and the South African Railways GMAM Class (3' 6" gauge) were among the largest steam locomotives ever built, despite their narrow gauges. The name "Garratt" derives from the engineer Herbert William Garratt, who devised the type, and developed it in association with the Manchester firm of Beyer Peacock, which built most of the Garratts used around the world - including all but one of those destined for the Welsh Highland. Following the expiry of Garratt's patent in 1928, Beyer Peacock no longer had exclusive rights to build Garratts, or to licence other firms to build them. The firm thus termed all the Garratts it built subsequently "Beyer-Garratts", to distinguish them from locos built by other firms. Thus K1 should properly be termed a Garratt, and the later South African NGG16 class in use on the Welsh Highland comprises Beyer-Garratts.

Want to know more? See Gavin Hamilton's The Garratt Locomotive site.
K1: Introduction
Help to keep K1 running - Appeal.

K1 - Technical Details 
(N.B. Precise boiler figures are for the original unit)
Length over frames 32 feet 2 inches
Wheel arrangement 0-4-0 + 0-4-0 T
Total wheelbase 26' 9"
Wheelbase of each power unit 4' 0"
Wheel diameter 2' 7.5"
Total heating surface 628 square feet
Heating surface of tubes 568 sq. ft.
Heating surface of firebox 60 sq. ft.
Grate area 14.8 sq. ft.
Boiler pressure 195 pounds per sq. inch
High-pressure cylinders (x 2) 11" diameter, 16" stroke
Low-pressure cylinders (x 2) 17" dia., 16" stroke
Valvegear Walschaert
Tractive effort @ 85% pressure 16,290 lb.
Water capacity 840 gallons
Weight in working order 33.5 tons (approx).

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Authored by Ben Fisher; last updated January 3rd, 2007