WHR (Caernarfon) opens to Waunfawr
August 7th 2000

August 7th 2000 saw the first public trains on the extension from Dinas to Waunfawr, which formed Phase 2 of the WHR Project. The honours went to NGG16 no. 143; Eddie Bellass' pictures below show the first public train.

Waunfawr Station was still in a basic state, with the loop and platform incomplete; reversing was done using diesel Castell Caernarfon as a shunter, and the Dinas end of the loop as a release siding for the train loco. The diesel is seen below following the departure of the second train. This arrangement continued until the loop was opened on September 9th.

The third train of the day is seen below at points between Dinas and Waunfawr.

Phase 2 was officially opened on September 15th by Dafydd Wigley, Caernarfon's Assembly Member and then MP.

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Authored by Ben Fisher; last updated January 5th, 2003